About Melinda
A sales expert with 20 years’ experience and a passion for helping women business owners sell better and smarter, and become the industry leaders they strive to be.
Hi, I’m Melinda.
I’m excited to have you here.
At Women Making Big Sales, we work together to achieve one goal:
To help women entrepreneurs gain the knowledge and confidence to land five-to-six-figure deals and become industry leaders.
How did I arrive at this point where I get to share my passion with a community of driven, dedicated women like myself?
Here’s a bit about my sales journey so far:
My B2B (business-to-business) journey actually started pretty early. Having grown up in a very entrepreneurial family, I attended my first trade show, aged 15, as my father’s translator.
At that very first trade show, I fell in love with business – with all its energy and creativity. Standing beside my father, waiting to meet prospects and trying to attract business, my eyes were opened to the power of sales.
Knowing how to get in front of big prospects and convert them to paying clients is an absolutely vital skill for an entrepreneur.
I knew, from that moment, that I wanted to be in business. I wanted to be a part of this innovative and exhilarating world!
As soon as I’d graduated from university, I took the plunge into sales.
Want to know a secret?
It didn’t start smoothly. I hated the feeling of bothering people and asking for sales.
My approach felt fake and desperate, and it made me uncomfortable and self-conscious.
But, while I wasn’t terribly good at sales to begin with, I did love the feeling of helping people with the service I was representing.
My discomfort around selling heightened my understanding of the value and power of mastering sales skills. I knew that if I could just figure out how to sell effectively – and comfortably – I would possess one of the most important skills in the business world.
I read dozens of books on the subject and listened attentively to my more experienced colleagues… and slowly my skills developed.
From the education industry to finance and consumer goods, I honed those skills.
In the years since then, I have:

Sold to a wide variety of industries,

Worked with agents, reps and corporate clients around the world

Read more than 20 books about sales

Learned from the most seasoned professionals in the industry

Made over 5,000 cold calls

Made seven-figure sales
I developed a sales system that enabled me to start connecting with big companies within a short period of time, stand out from my competitors, and close important deals without being too ‘salesy’.
Every woman is capable of making big sales. My years of experience working with different businesses have taught me:

You are already connected to your big clients’ key decision-makers, but you may not be aware of it yet.

Your service or product is unique. You have the power to differentiate yourself from your competitors.

With big clients, you have the potential to become an industry leader.

In 2015, I decided it was time to realize my long-standing dream:
To connect with, and help, more women business owners like myself – passionate, heart-centered, and, most importantly, ready to chase five, six, or even seven-figure sales.
That’s why I created Women Making Big Sales.
As with everything in life, it takes work and perseverance.
And, you’re not alone. – I’m here with you every step of the way.
Remember, we sell better TOGETHER.