From quick tools to intensive planning, and from group programs to one-on-ones, there are a number of ways you can put Melinda’s expertise to work for you.

Sales Boost Tools

Melinda’s quickest, no-frills resources are designed as a quick action boost for your sales process.

Use these simple tools to get clarity and make progress on specific areas as needed.

Some of the most popular tools here include sales scripts, calendars, and past sales challenges.

Click here to see the Sales Boost Tools available for purchase.

Executive Sales Bootcamp

This 12-week, comprehensive group program allows you to work directly with Melinda to refine your sales strategy, create your B2B sales funnel, and implement it. Melinda will be there for you throughout the program, providing direct feedback and guidance on what works best in the world of corporate sales.

By the end of the Bootcamp you’ll have an established sales system, ensuring that you know just what to do and say to attract and land your ideal business clients.

Twelve weeks to remove confusion and overwhelm, and focus on what really maximizes results.

One-on-One Strategy Coaching

With 20+ years in the corporate sales arena and five years supporting businesswomen around the world, Melinda has a vast understanding of what keep executives awake at night, as well as how to create an effective strategy to convert them to business clients.

Work with Melinda one-on-one to hone your business strategy and create a clear, step-by-step sales and business development plan.

Click here to schedule an introductory call and find out whether we’re a good fit.

Executive Sell-for-You Service

For those short on time, this service gives you the undivided attention of Melinda and your own dedicated sales manager, as they work with you to customize your LinkedIn sales funnel and implement it on your behalf.

We’ll start by identifying your sales opportunities, and then create your ideal client profiles. Thereafter, we’ll begin implementing a sales outreach strategy for your business. For 12 weeks, we’ll meet every week to discuss and evaluate your results, adjust your strategy where necessary, and continue to implement it for you. You’ll also get a behind-the-scenes look at exactly how we sell for you.

By the end of 12 weeks, you’ll have a well-tested sales system that you can implement yourself or hand over to your team. Alternatively, you’ll also have the option to continue working with us.

Click here to learn more.