If you are having trouble reaching your big client, you should definitely try to ask for a business introduction from a connected friend.
Mark Zuckerberg once said, “Nothing influences people more than a recommendation from a trusted friend. “
Ask for a business introduction allows you to build credibility faster, because someone else is willing to vouch for you.
In today’s sales talk, I will be sharing with you a step-by-step guide to ask for an introduction like a pro.
Before you ask for a business introduction to an important client, consider some important principals to maximize your success.
You only get one chance
Law of reciprocity
“What’s in it for me?”
Make it simple
Via phone or in person
Step 1: Asking to reconnect over the phone or in person.
First, ask to connect with the person first. Write a brief email to connect with the person you would like to request an introduction from.
Hi Mark,Congratulations on your recent promotion at IBM. It is well deserved.It has been awhile since we last spoke. I would love to know more about your new promotion and how I might help. I think there is an opportunity to [What’s In It for Me].Would you like to have a quick chat next week?
Step 2: Law of reciprocity before asking for a business introduction.
During your phone or in-person conversation, look to provide value first. People are more like to help you when they receive help from you. So, listen closely your contact and find ways to help them.
Here are 3 kids values people are always looking for. (We call them CPR).
Client / Contacts: Just like you, other people are looking for valuable contacts as well. Can you connect them with important contacts?
Promotions: Can you help them promote their latest marketing initiatives, products or services?
Resources: Do you know any technology, books or experts that could help their business?
Step 3: Leading to asking for a business introduction.
Once you have provided sufficient value, it’s time to lead to your official request.
Most of the time, the other person will likely ask about how you are doing. This would be the time to start talking about your latest news.
You can also transition the conversation by using simple sentences like these.
“By the way, I have a favor I would like to ask you.”“Actually, another reason of my call is to ask you for a favor.”
Step 4: official request for an introduction.
Now, you are ready to make the official request.
I noticed that you are connected with [target client]. I was hoping to connect with her to [the reason]. If you feel comfortable, I’d appreciate an introduction to connect with him.
The reason: Provide a reason why you need this particular business introduction. People are more likely to help you when they know why.
It is always important to give the reason so that the person has all the information necessary to make the decision.
Step 5: Don’t forget to pause.
Then, pause and say nothing. This could give the person proper time to make the decision.
What if you only have time to ask for a business introduction via email?
Here is a script for email request.
Hi Jennifer,
It was great [how you last connected]. I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation about [something you spoke about or you did together].I noticed that you are connected with [target client]. I was hoping to connect with her to [the reason]. If you feel comfortable, I’d appreciate an introduction to connect with her.I understand you might have a lot going on so I attached a short blurb below to make the introduction as easy as possible. Please let me know if you feel comfortable doing this.Thanks!
The first part is optional. If you do not know this particular contact well, you can remind her how you were connected. If you already know her well, you can skp this and go straight to the point.
Don’t forget to provide the reason. Provide a reason why you need this particular business introduction. People are more likely to help you when they know why.
The next part shows that you would understand if they do not feel comfortable making this business introduction.
Finally, you want to make the business introduction easy by sharing a short blurb they could use for the business introduction.
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