Let’s talk about one simple sales technique that has helped me close more sales with my clients.

Jennifer is a talented graphic designer. Most importantly, she is a very dedicated entrepreneur. When she decided to open her own company, she went to many networking events and met many prospects. But, after the initial conversation, she just couldn’t find a way to bring her contacts to the next level. So, instead, she has a list of potential clients, but no sales.

She asks me: “How do I get my prospects to take the next step?” 

Here is one sales technique I always use to encourage an immediate action from my prospects: Reason-to-Call.


The Reason-to-Call sales technique creates a time-sensitive campaign for you to contact your clients and asks for immediate action.


Here are some examples:

A friend of mine, Amanda Ruiz, hosts regular PR events in London which allow entrepreneurs to meet journalists and ask practical questions on how to become more visible.

The PR event could be used as a reason to call her prospective client and ask for immediate action. Imagine Amanda using this event to call her prospective clients:

“Hi Amy, 

I am calling to invite you to my upcoming event in London where I will be bringing an award-winning journalist to ask her pressing questions about how to get media attention.

This event is almost fully booked but I think this can really benefit you right now. Would you like to come?”


The special event and limited space offer force her client to make an immediate decision on whether to take action. The power of this sales technique is that it sounds very natural, but demands immediate action.


There are 3 basic steps to this sales technique.

Step 1: Know your clients: 

Conduct research on your clients and understand their business priorities and challenges. If you want more ideas on how to find your client’s pains before even meeting them, you can check out my webinar on ‘3 strategies to winning big clients.’

Step 2: Decide the call to action

We all know that ultimately we would like to get a final commitment from our prospective clients and close the sale. But, people often forget that selling is a process. It is like dating. You need to go through a series of dates before you both decide to start the relationship. If you rush it, you can come off too “needy”.

Before you start to implement this sales technique, you need to determine your call to action. What do you want your clients to do at this stage of your relationship? Are you hoping to meet with this client to further discuss his or her needs? Are you looking to make a sales presentation? Or, do you need to know who the ultimate decision maker is?

Decide the call to action first before beginning to find a reason to call your client.

Step 3: Find an urgent and valuable ‘Reason-to-Call’

For this sales technique to succeed, you need an urgent and valuable reason to call your clients. Here are some ideas in creating reasons to call and how you might be able to implement them for your business.


  • Breaking industry news

If you are very targeted in the industry you are in, knowing some insider news and sharing it with valuable prospective clients instantly showcases your value and authority within the industry.

So, when you hear industry news, think about how this could impact your prospective clients and create a reason-to-call campaign.


  • Recent success stories

Use your recent success stories to pique interests from your prospective clients.

We just helped _____ achieve _____. Since you both are very similar companies, I would like to share with you how we achieved this.


  • Seasonal trends

Can you help your clients take advantage of season trends in the industry? The PR coach, Amanda Ruiz, found this amazing marketing resource to help you plan your next Reason-to-Call campaign. Take a look at the calendar and see what inspires you to contact your client.

Amanda’s 2016 Retain Marketing Calendar.


  • Change in Technology or Industry

Is there any recent change in technology or the industry? How would your clients benefit from them? What can you do to help them reap the benefits? This is a great opportunity to encourage an urgent action from your client.


  • Special Events hosted by your or your affiliate partners

Such as what we talked about with Amanda Ruiz’s event. You can host special events to attract your client’s attention and ask them to take immediate actions.


  • Limited Discounts Offering

“2 DAYS ONLY”: Save up to 40% on our most popular cosmetic line.”

If you have a product, creating a limited time offering is also an effective way to craft your Reason-to-Call campaign.


Final note: Before you get excited and go off and implement this sales technique, make sure that your reasons to call and your value proposition are urgent and valuable. To know more about it, check out my webinar: ‘3 Winning Strategies to Winning Big Client,’ where I talk about creating a value proposition with impact.

Do you want to talk about how to increase your sales for your business?

Let me know.